What led you to become a surrogate? (If applicable, what led you to do another journey as well?)
An old coworker was a surrogate and I became very curious, I had a million questions. Surrogacy seemed like something you hear about only on TV. Once I understood the process I fell in love with the idea of helping complete or in my case now help a family grow.
What made you decide to choose Dream Surrogacy?
Christina made me feel comfortable and safe every step of the way. From the start she was available for any questions I had. She took her time and explained in detail what the process of being a surrogate would be like. We spoke after all my appointments if she was not able to be with me and I knew she was always a call away day or night.
What is the relationship like with your intended parent(s)?
My IPs are located in Dubai while I am located in California so we do have a big time difference. We still keep in touch and even had plans to visit each other before Covid. They became like a second family to me. I hope to build the same relationship with my future IPs.
What are some high points of your journey?
Some of the highest points I would definitely say would be helping complete a family and the relationship gained from sharing such an experience.

What advice do you give to others who want to become a gestational surrogate?
I would tell any future surrogates that being a surrogate is a beautiful thing. Enjoy every minute of your pregnancy, communication is important, and keep your IPs as involved as possible.
What did you do to prepare yourself for surrogacy?
I prepared myself for surrogacy by asking questions and having a great support system. Also by growing a bond with the IPs.
How has your decision to become a surrogate impacted your life?
Being a surrogate has shown me that dreams come true. Blessings are real and made me feel like I had purpose.
Interested in becoming a surrogate yourself? Get started now!